This helmet complies with the ANSI Z89.1 - 2003 Standard for Industrial Protective TYPE I helmets and in most circumstances should be effective against small tools, bolts, rivets, and similar hazards; however, some conditions can exceed this hardhat’s capacity to protect against serious injury or death. Avoid areas where the chance of severe impact or penetration exists.
- Comes with MSA’s Fas-Trac® suspension (CSA approved)
- Consists of a polyethylene shell and suspension system working together as a protection system
- Meets or exceeds the applicable requirements for a Type 1 helmet (top impact) as outlined in ANSI Z89.1-2003, Class E, and also as outlined in CSA Z94.1-2005 (Class E) with Fas-Trac® suspension
- Not specifically designed to protect against lateral blows from the front, side, or rear