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Protimeter BLD5975 Flood Kit®

The perfect moisture testing kit for flood damage restoration!

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Protimeter BLD5975 Flood Kit®
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  • Protimeter BLD5975 Flood Kit®

Designed for flood damage restoration contractors, the PROTIMETER Flood Kit includes the best-in-class Hygromaster L Thermo-Hygrometer, along with the market-leading Surveymaster, and two of our newly released styles of moisture probe accessories.

The Hygromaster L features an intuitive interface and displays relative humidity (RH), temperature, dew point and specific humidity (GPP, g/kg). The Surveymaster is a dual function moisture meter with both pin and non-invasive measurement technology.

Also, inside the carry case, you will find a Baseboard Moisture Probe for taking moisture measurements behind baseboards and sill plates, along with an Extension Moisture Probe for taking measurements at varying depths in wall cavity and crawl spaces.